Draft Agenda (11Oct10) for the Maui meeting
- The meeting agenda and a list of attendees are also available in PDF. New background material and whitepapers are on-line as well.
October 17th, Sunday: On your own arrive at Wailea Beach Marriott Resort & Spa in Maui HI.. High speed Internet access in your room is complementary to IESP attendees.
- 6:00 - 8:00 pm Reception/light finger food at Marriott
October 18th, Monday
- 8:30 am Registration and light breakfast
- 8:45 am Welcome, Objectives and Organization of the meeting - Jack Dongarra and Pete Beckman
- 9:00 am DOE's Exascale efforts - Barb Helland (slides)
- 9:20 am Exascale Software Center - Pete Beckman (slides)
- 9:40 am Japanese efforts - Satoshi Matsuoka (slides) and Yutaka Ishikawa (slides)
- 10:00 am Report on Chinese Computing efforts - Xuebin Chi(slides)
- 10:20 am Break
- 10:40 am EC and European Initiatives and Focus on EESI - Jean-Yves Berthou (slides)
- 11:10 am Exascale Computing, Software and Simulation: Objective in FP7 ICT Call 7 - Patrick Aerts (slides)
- 11:30 am PRACE initiative - Lennart Johnsson(slides)
- 11:50 am Square Kilometre Array - Tim Cornwell (slides)
- 12:10 - 1:10 pm Lunch
- 1:10 pm Vendor's Exasacale Centers (20 mins each)
- Peg Williams, Cray; (slides)
- Ross Nobes, Fujitsu; (slides)
- Robert Wisniewski, IBM; (slides)
- David Lombard, Intel; (slides)
- Dan Reed, Microsoft; (slides)
- Rob Schreiber, HP; (slides)
- Jean-Francois Lavignon, Bull (slides)
- 3:30 - 3:50 pm Break
- 3:50 pm DOE Co-Design Centers Planning Effort (20 mins each)
- Robert Harrison, Chemistry;
- Andrew Seigel, Nuclear Energy;
- Alice Koniges, Fusion;
- Sriram Swaminarayan, Materials;
- Carlo Graziani, High Energy Density Physics
- 5:30 pm Charge to group and expectations - Jack, Pete
- 7:00 pm Banquet at the Marriott
October 19th, Tuesday
Morning focus on Co-Design
- 8:30 am Light breakfast
- 9:00 - 10:30 am Three breakout groups: Software, Hardware, and Apps: Leaders: SW: Pete Beckman, HW: Peg Williams, Apps: David Keyes. Each group goes off and discusses what they need from the other groups.
- What do the software people need from the apps and hardware sides?
- What do the apps team need from the software and hardware sides?
- What do the hw groups need from the software and apps sides?
- Also what they will give them for this.
- 10:30 am Break
- 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Plenary Session - Each of the three groups from the morning reports on their discussions (20 minutes each). Then general discussion and what needs to be traded off.
- 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch
- 1:30 Afternoon session:Focus on three topics via breakout groups (2.5 hours)
- Integration of Co-Design: This group creates strawman outline and roadmap from the morning discussion (Leader: Pete Beckman, Bernd Mohr, Taisuke Boku)
- Outline of suggested processes, activities, technical issues to enable Co-design between HW vendors, SW developers, and Applications
- For co-design to impact the software for exascale systems, the software community will need to understand goals, roadmaps, and key performance characteristics for a variety of crucial applications, and provide feedback to HW vendors and applications on how that will impact the software designs, performance envelopes, programmability.
- This breakout group will put together an outline for how exascale software developers can work closely with the application and hardware groups to improve deployed systems.
- What are the key performance metrics that need to be defined for system software?
- IESP Organizational discussion and review (Leaders: Bob Lucas, Satoshi Matsuoka, Jean-Yves Berthou)
- Critical issues for IESP
- How will the IESP engage the three big projects, X-Stack, EESI, JP
- What are the roles for various parts, ie ESC, EESI, IESP, Japan, etc.
- Come up with big picture org chart of the IESP, and outline the goals for interaction, how we would work together, and transition IESP from brainstorming/barnstorming of the roadmap to the actual key organizational bits that interact with HW and App groups, and share system software bits and roadmaps.
- X-Stack overview and current project plan (Leaders: Rick Stevens, Patrick Aerts, Ryutaro Himeno)
- Overview of X-Stack plan
- Discussion of roadmap and X-Stack work
- How to work internationally
- Timetable
- 4:00 pm Final session breakout report and charge for next meeting (1 hour; 20 mins for each group above)
Dinner on your own